Helping you filling your Tax Returns in France: Accompaniment and Assistance - unregulated liberal profession (profession liberale non réglementé), experience with employees recruited from abroad to work in France (régime des impatriés)

Languages: English, French, Spanish

For expats living in France also know as 'impatries' or French citizens returning to France after 5 years abroad

Our service is performed by a specialist who has been recruited from abroad to work in France
If you have further questions, please send an e-mail to: 

Legal disclaimer: this activity does not meet the qualifications as tax advisor (CGI Art. 37-1), we are not affiliated to neither the "Ordre des Experts-Comptables" nor "Conseil National des Barreaux"; instead, our service is 1) Limited to basic accompaniment and assistance with tax preparation and filing, as well as corrections of minor errors, 2) The accompaniment can help you gather documents, enter data into tax software and ensure that all basic filing requirements are met, and 3) Does not have the capacity to manage complex tax situations or optimize your tax strategies.

For personalized and complex situations you should consult a professional tax advisor that is qualified as "Expert-Comptable" or "Avocat Fiscaliste" which are regulated by professional organizations such as "Ordre des Experts-Comptables" and "Conseil National des Barreaux" ® All rights reserved 2024